Are you prepared?

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I woke up this morning, lazy Sunday morning, and I drank water. I started to choke and I had a fun moment with my baby.

Anyway, so after I finished choking, I joked with him: “What if I choke and suddenly die? What would you do?”

And then he put me under his wings, and told me, with his thick masculine voice, squeezing me, “Babe, with me you are not going to die.”

This inspired me for today’s question.

But before, a relevant song: The Cupids' Chokehold

“It's been awhile since we talked last and I'm tryin' hard not to talk fast

But dad I'm finally thinkin' I may have found the one

Type of girl that will make you way proud of your son”


And some pessimistic inspiration about how you should NOT die:

“What would I do if I have 1 day to live?”

150 people die every year from a coconut falling on their head. (source: Death by coconuts, Wikipedia)

69 people die every year from a shark attack (unprovoked) (Source: Museum of Natural History)

The worst of them all, 117.246575 people die every DAY from car accidents in the US alone.

That’s 42,795 humans per year. This is so sad. (Source: Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year)

I don’t want to sound outrageous, but…💩 can happen. So prepare toilet paper. During COVID, toilet paper raised its price and people still bought it because they wanted to be prepared for the apocalypse.

Who are you going to give your business to?

What letters and surprises and treasures are you going to leave behind?

What last words do you need to say to your loved ones BEFORE?

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about just 1 day to live?

Are you prepared?




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