It's complicated.

the beauty of simplicity...

Hey :)

Here are simple ways to simplify complex things.

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I recently experienced a classic case of information overload.

I wanted it to be perfect. To pre-solve all problems. I even invented problems.

I felt like:

GIF by Kochstrasse™

I found myself stuck in an endless cycle of trying the same thing again and again without making any real progress.

My mind was constantly racing in different directions.

Not productive.

Usually, what helps me is to get my subconscious to sleep on it, or taking a walk or a shower.

These solutions seem like they're coming from nowhere.

It feels so good when they do.

Sometimes, I see those solutions as interfaces, diagrams, graphs, sketches on the ceiling,

a bit like...

Beth from "Queen's Gambit" planning her moves on the ceiling

It's worked many times and I enjoy the creative process.

But this time I just couldn't find any solution. I was just over-complicating everything.

I shared it with my friend. He looked at it with fresh eyes.

He knew nothing about the business, but he had a solution for me.

I was like wow, that is so simple.

Sometimes we become so consumed with trying to create something perfect that we forget the beauty of simplicity.

Many times, the simplest solution can be the most elegant one.

Today's question:

"What am I overcomplicating? What's a more simple way to approach this?"

Queen's Gambit by Emilyreaganpr


Better questions:

My friend came up with such a simple solution that made me think "Wow, how didn't I think of that before?" -

but quickly I fixed this question to be more productive like: "How can I think of a simpler solution next time?" or "How can I detect I am getting into an unproductive loop of complexity?"




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