Do this before a date...

(it will save your life)

Today's question is brought to you by Xwerks -Ignite-

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Hey there!

Have you ever felt anxious or stressed about a big presentation or event?

A business meeting?

Or just very anxious before you meet your crush for a first date?

Well, here's a little trick that might help.

If it's a presentation:

Spend just 60 seconds visualizing yourself delivering your presentation confidently and the audience applauding.

If it's a date:

Spend just 60 seconds visualizing yourself as the most charming, charismatic person you can be. Everything comes to you naturally. You are flirting and you feel the tension. How does your body move? How do you look? See it in detail...


You'll be amazed at how quickly the anxiety starts to melt away.

But that's not all - this simple practice has long-term benefits too. Consistent daily visualization rewires your brain by strengthening neural pathways that support your vision.

As you align your thoughts with your ideal self, limiting beliefs and habitual thought patterns get overwritten with empowering ones.

And before you know it, positivity and confidence become second nature to you.

And ask this in real time to activate it...

"How do I see myself performing in the best way possible?”

⏱ Start my timer and stop the world for 1 minute →


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