Domino effect

Momentum can either work for or against you...

Your life can continue get better and better, or worse and worse. In either direction...

If I start entering a state of positive momentum, what does my progress look like?

Today’s question is brought to you by Mood:

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Imagine your life as a series of dominoes,

each one representing a step towards your goals and dreams.

When you're in a state of positive momentum, it's as though you've gently pushed the first domino, setting off a chain reaction of progress.

Your life begins to improve, step by step, much like those falling dominoes.

However, it can work in the opposite way as well.

Negative momentum can make these dominoes fall just as easily in the opposite direction.

So, for today's question I'd like to ask you:

"If your life were a series of dominoes and you were just entering a state of positive momentum, what is the first one that would set off a positive chain reaction of progress? Imagine the chain..."



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