[Important Question]

What do you deserve?

Today's question is brought to you by NativePath Collagen that is certified grass-fed and pure, and sourced from 100% happy, healthy cows… so you can put nutrients into a happy, healthy human.

So… what exactly does collagen do, again? This nutrient is Insta-trending for a reason – it’s essential for healthy skin, joints, and bones. The big bummer: many collagen supplements are made with artificial ingredients and (gross) animal byproducts.

NativePath has a different approach.

NativePath collagen is certified grass-fed and pure, and sourced from 100% happy, healthy cows… so you can put nutrients into a happy, healthy human. It provides Types 1 and 3 collagen – more than 90% of your body’s needs. Plus, it’s tasty and provides 20 grams of protein, so you’ll get lots of energy to boot. Find out more about the many benefits of NativePath’s collagen powder on their website!


Hey welcome again to our self-reflection and personal growth exercise! This activity is designed to help you gain clarity on your aspirations, current situation, and areas for improvement. By answering these questions honestly, you’ll be taking a significant step towards self-awareness and positive change.

Let’s do a little awareness exercise. Be open-minded and humble about it!

I invite you to add yours in the comments to make the effect of it REALLY strong and see what other people are thinking. Get inspired, support, and share :) It’s totally anonymous!

These are answers from Jenny (anonymous); she has agreed to post them.

What do you want? (and why?)

  • Big house - I like space

  • Love - I'm lovey-dovey

  • Respect and to be badass at the office - because I work hard!

What do you get right now?

  • "I feel like people are not respecting me"

  • "I am not appreciated in my workplace"

  • I don't live in a place I like

  • My spouse and I are not getting along

What do you deserve based on your actions? And what can you change or notice to change it for the better?

  • I can compliment other people and give them credit instead of just taking it for myself

  • I don't really organize my house. If I give it attention, my house will have more space, and I will be calmer and more focused to make money, save it, and invest it for a new house!

What about you? What do you want and what do you get right now?

What do you deserve?

-Lulu (If you tell me your thoughts, I'll tell you mine🤫)


or to participate.