[Peaky Spoiler] shoveling sh*t

Why’re you doing that Tommy?

There's one of my favorite scenes in Peaky Blinders:

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Curly: What are you doing Tommy..?

Tommy: Shoveling shit, Curly. Just like you."

Curly: Why’re you doing that Tommy?

Tommy: To remind myself, who I’d be, if I wasn’t who I am.

Just wow.

I could write a whole essay from let alone this scene - perfect.

I'm in love with the brains who created this show.

Tommy's got his unique way of giving himself a reality check. It's like he shocks himself into feeling grateful. He reminds himself that he's no different from Curly, and if he hadn't fought tooth and nail to turn his life around, he'd be in the same boat.

He picked up that shovel, and within those three strokes he already realized what he came there to realize.

Those three strokes were enough to remind him why he does what he does.

Now imagine yourself right in that scene, shoveling shit, or doing some job you would really hate to do, and take a minute to ask yourself...

"Why am I doing what I'm doing? How will my life look if I gave up and never took the chances I needed to take? Fast forward!"

Have you ever found yourself so focused on the victory that you forget about the struggle it took to get there?

Once you've got it, it's funny how you can forget the struggle and pain you endured to get there.

Almost taking it for granted,

Thinking "I got lucky somehow".

Classic Imposter Syndrome.

We all have it, a little bit, actually. Even narcissists (they have it the most, but they are the best in hiding it behind the glory)

So, you are the only person who can do what you do the way you do it.

Just the way you like it,

with your opinions, with your knowledge, with your taste.

I hope you evolve it the best you can.



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