
An avoidance behavior...

Did you know that procrastination is a trauma response?

It is an avoidance behavior. And it's a habit.

Today’s question is brought to you by Vinovest:

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"Procrastination is caused by the same things it creates: stress and anxiety. We avoid tasks because they overwhelm us in the moment. This feels good momentarily — we get to do something we want instead and don't need to address any obligations." —

Elizabeth Perry

It is a bit like the classic question of what came first, the egg or the chicken.

One thing that can help you quickly get out of procrastination, is tiny commitments, which don't seem so difficult.

But when you start working on that tiny task, you are much more likely to continue. So tell yourself "I am just going to do 5 minutes of this", and see how you just keep going like...

"What's one tiny thing I can start with?"



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