Why I said no to Burning Man

Decision by decision...

Moving forward doesn't always require a complete plan.

Just do your best until you have more clarity, and then work on improving.

Consistent progress every day can create a strong momentum that can change the trajectory of your life.

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Just be careful about losing that momentum once it's started. I used to be a sucker for losing momentum because I thought it will last forever, but we won't - and I have to live like every day is my last, and say yes yes yes to whatever makes me feel alive - to adventures, to travels, to friends, to shiny new business ideas.

After meditating on my priorities, that changed.

Not everyone will agree with me, but I really believe in being strict and protecting your energy, especially once you have that focus.

I have a strong ADHD, so it's very easy for me to get distracted.

So when I am in a week of amazing creativity and flow, this is my precious time. This is when I am saying a lot of NOs. No to people, no to parties, no to things that I know are going to distract me. Even tho they are fun - these things are just not going to move me forward that much. I disappear and take advantage of that precious powerful energy, and increase my momentum.

This year I said no to Burning Man but I really wanted to go.

Last year had a very strong effect on me, and it was challenging to get back to my routine.

Now I put my business above fun. It's a matter of priorities. and I'm so proud of making the right choices when I look back.

Though it may take some effort to start, as you keep moving forward, it will gradually become easier to sustain.

Decision by decision.

What's a small decision I can make today that will take me one step closer to where I want to be?



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