A simple question to enter deep self love

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Based on the amazing feedback from my last email, I've got another profoundly simple yet powerful "how it feels" question to share with you today. This one is all about self-love.

We often get caught up in self-criticism, doubt, and harsh inner voices that chip away at our self-worth. But what if you could easily rewire those neural pathways and firmly establish an unshakeable foundation of self-love? The good news is, you absolutely can. And you can do it NOW. The more you do it, it will be more easier and familiar to feel this way.

Simply ask yourself:

How does it feel to love myself deeply and completely?

Don't just think about it conceptually. Close your eyes, go inward, and vividly explore the felt sensations that arise. What does wholehearted self-love feel like?

Maybe it feels like a warm embrace, enveloping you in comfort and acceptance...

Perhaps it's a radiant light beaming from your heart center, filling you with worth and confidence.

Or it could be a profound sense of ease, of being at home within yourself.

When you love yourself, the whole world knows!

I love you, too



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