Time to get excited

+ one fun fact about me

In partnership with

Hey! I hope you're having an amazing weekend 🙂 Writing? relaxing? sleeping in? spending time with family? hiking? partying? planting seeds for the future?

Take a deep breath, today’s question is going to make you feel tingly and happy…

It’s brought to you by the amazing writer’s platform that’s allowing me to keep sending you those emails at the best prices in the market - thank you Beehiiv!

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So here’s your question…

What's 1 thing that always gets me excited? What does this excitement feel like?

for me, every time I see a really beautiful flower I get excited 🙂 Beauty is powerful, the nature’s beauty can be breathtaking… * sigh *

Animation Design GIF by dualvoidanima

Gif by dualvoidanima on Giphy

Thank you, my friends!

See you in the next email



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